Understand Traffic Detail Reports

This article outlines the information included in the Traffic Detail Reports, which provide activity records for each device over the course of the billing cycle. Each report includess traffic information for the service types (e.g. Global SIM, LTE, etc.) and technologies (e.g. Data, SMS, etc.) in your account. The data in these files can help corroborate the corresponding service's information in the Account Summary Report.

In this article:

This article provides detailed examples for Global SIM, but the same concepts apply to LTE. For the column descriptions for all types of traffic detail reports, see Column Descriptions for All Monthly Reports.


The Traffic Detail Reports are billing reports that provide information about your SIM's monthly chargeable activity. These reports contain the individual activity records that are used to determine your monthly charges. Of all AerPort's available reports, the Traffic Detail Reports contain the highest level of detail.

Note: You can download your monthly Traffic Detail Reports from your AerPort account.

The Traffic Detail Reports that are available to you depend on the product types you are subscribe to and the services your devices use each month. Each report is broken down by the different technologies (e.g., Global SIM, LTE, etc), and services (e.g., Data, SMS, etc.) that are in your account. Each report is capped at about 1,000,000 records, so you may have multiple files of the same type, depending on the volume of SIM activity from a given month.

Note: The downloaded file is a compressed archive of the data file, while the actual reports are CSV files. To learn how to access your reports, see Accessing Your Billing Documents.

Global SIM SMS Reports

The Global SIM SMS reports provide a detailed listing of Global SIM SMS traffic for each device from the billing period. There are two types of Global SIM SMS reports:

Note: In the following images, the Traffic Detail Reports are displayed at the bottom, and the Account Summary Report is displayed at the top.

Global SIM SMS Detail Report

The Global SIM SMS Detail provides the charges for each individual SMS message. The ZIP filename is yyyymm_SMS_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv.zip, which contains the file SMS_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv. In these filenames:

  • nnnnn is your Customer Account ID.
  • yyyymm is the billing period for the detail report being displayed.

For descriptions of each column in this report, see Columns for SMS_Dtl.

Comparing the Account Summary to the SMS Detail Report

This section describes how values in the SMS Detail Report relate to the Account Summary Report. The examples below are from a sample account, where only one SIM has reported SMS activity. Your report may look different, depending on the type and amount of activity in your account.

Note: All SMS activity is aggregated in the Account Summary Report as Mobile-Terminated (MT). In the example report, the Mobile-Originated (MO) column is not used.

The number of SMS messages reported in the Account Summary is the same as the number of rows in the SMS Detail Report, since the SMS Detail Report includes one row for each message. In the image below, the number of rows and messages is 2721.

Global SIM SMS MB Detail Report

The Global SIM SMS MB Detail Report provides a summary listing with detailed metadata about the sender and receiver of each message. The ZIP filename is yyyymm_SMS_MB_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv.zip, which contains the file SMS_MB_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv. In these filenames:
  • nnnnn is your Customer Account ID.
  • yyyymm is the billing period for the detail report being displayed.

For descriptions of each column in this report, see Columns for SMS_MB_Dtl.

Global SIM Packet Data Report

The Global SIM Packet Data Report provides a detailed list of packet data traffic for each device, from the billing period. The ZIP filename is yyyymm-GPRS_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv.zip, which contains the file GPRS_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv. In these filenames:

  • nnnnn is your Customer Account ID.
  • yyyymm is the billing period for the detail report being displayed.

For descriptions of each column in this report, see Columns for GPRS_Dtl.

Note: In the following images, the Traffic Detail Reports are displayed at the bottom, and the Account Summary Report is displayed at the top.

Comparing the GSM Traffic Detail Reports to the Account Summary Report

This section shows how some values in the Global SIM (GSM) Traffic Detail Reports relate to values in the Account Summary Report. To calculate the Account Summary Report's Bill PKT KB value from the Global SIM Traffic Detail Report:
  1. Open the Global SIM Traffic Detail Report in Excel.
  2. Use the SUMIF formula to add the Total Bytes column values for the SIMs you want to examine. In this example, the calculation only includes values for the SIM with an MSISDN that ends in 1577.
  3. Convert the sum (e.g. 11,487770 bytes) into KB (e.g. 11218.53 KB).
  4. Compare this value to the Account Summary Report's BILL PKT KB value. In this example, the BILL PKT KB column value is 11229, while the calculated amount from the Global SIM Traffic Detail Report was 11218.53 KB. The difference in values here is due to rounding.

    Note: Your rate plan's rounding method is specified in your agreement. However, daily rounding is common at the device and SIM level. This method aggregates all usage for a SIM within a day, and rounds up to the nearest KB.

Global SIM Voice Report

The Global SIM Voice Report provides a detailed listing of voice traffic during the billing period for each session. The ZIP filename is yyyyymm-Voice_GSM_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv.zip, which contains the file Voice_GSM_Dtl_nnnnn_yyyymm.csv.zip. In these filenames:

  • nnnnn is your Customer Account ID.
  • yyyymm is the billing period for the detail report being displayed.

For descriptions of each column in this report, see Columns for Voice_GSM_Dtl.

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