AerPort offers several reporting options. From detailed reports showing device and account activity to analytic reports showing your network or pool utilization, AerPort offers several types of pre-defined reports. AerPort also offers the ability to create ad-hoc or custom reports or queries.
In this article:
- Reporting from the Reports Tab (Custom, Scheduled, and Monthly Reports)
- Reporting from the Analytics Tab
- Reporting from the SIMs Tab
- Export Options for Reporting
Reporting from the Reports Tab
The Reports Tab provides tools to run reports and gather data for the devices in your account. Reports can provide information for the entire account, a specific group of devices, or a single device. You can also access standard monthly reports that are provided for you by default.

You can select from five sub-tabs:
- Build: Provides the tools to generate a custom report for non-recurring reporting needs and also to save the report as a Scheduled Report for recurring reporting needs. Thus, you can try building different reports until you find one that suits your needs. The Manage sub-tab allows you to configure scheduled reports and the Scheduled Reports sub-tab displays recently generated scheduled reports.
- Manual Reports: Contains recently generated custom reports. Custom reports generated within the past 30 days are available for download from this tab.
- Manage: Provides a list of reports that are scheduled to run. Scheduled reports are delivered periodically to a set of configured email recipients based on the selected report frequency. You can modify the parameters of the report and designate the recipients of the report in this tab.
- Scheduled Reports: Provides a list of all the scheduled reports you have run, along with the option to download or email the report.
- Monthly: Provides an easy way to select a particular month and then download the system-generated reports created by AerPort for that month.
All report timestamps are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The start and end of the "day" is always in GMT as well (for all provisioning and billing reports and activities).
If a device is located in the Central Standard Time zone in the United States, its local time is offset from UTC by -5 hours; the "day" in these reports starts at 7:00:00 pm (locally) and ends at 6:59:59 pm (locally) the next “day".
To learn about custom reports, see Build Tab.
To learn about Scheduled Reports, see Scheduled Reports Tab.
To learn about Monthly Reports, see Monthly Reports Tab.
Reporting from the Analytics Tab
The Analytics Tab gives you access to specialized reports on network utilization, pool utilization, and last network activity. These are called Business Performance Analytic reports, and they are included in the Essentials package that you can add to your connectivity subscription. These features provide analytics that help you fine-tune the performance of your IoT solution.
For information on available Business Performance Analytic reports, see the following pages:
Reporting from the SIMs Tab
The SIMs Tab gives you a few reporting options.
- On the Manage SIMs page, you can select one or more SIMs to include in a report using the Create Report button.
- From the SIM Information box, you can the amount of data, voice, and SMS usage by a device on the Report tab.
- From the SIM Information box, you can view a detailed list of transactions for this device on the Network tab.
- From the SIM Information box, you can view an audit trail of a device's activity on the Settings tab.

For information on the Create Report option, see Create Report from One or More SIMs.
For information on the device's total usage, see Report Tab.
For information on transaction listings, see Creating a Device Transaction Report from the SIM.
For information on the device's audit trail, see Viewing an Audit Trail of SIM Activity.
Export Options for Reporting
AerPort offers the option to export information in a variety of locations. Each of these is similar to a report. For example, you can export a list of current users from the Manage Users page. Here is a list of areas in AerPort that offer the ability to export data.
- Dashboard, View Billing
- Dashboard, View Usage
- Dashboard, Top Data Usage
- SIMs, Manage SIMs Export information about all active SIMs
- SIMs, Activate SIMs Export information about all non-activated SIMs
- Alerts, Current Alerts
- Account, Manage Users