Understanding Global eSIM Usage, Identification, and Profile Switching

Global eSIM is a feature that you can add to your connectivity subscription. This feature uses Embedded SIM (eSIM) technology to enable you to purchase and use one type of SIM in your devices, no matter where they are deployed. This eSIM is manufactured with two network-service profiles in a single SKU, and you can embed it into any device and use it in any country.

In this article:


The Aeris eSIM/eUICC has the ability to store and manage multiple network-service profiles. Management of these profiles is done locally on the SIM card via the Aeris eSIM applet. The eSIM also has the ability to perform Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) functions such as the ability to add, change, or delete network-service profiles.


The eSIMs are preloaded with two network-service profiles.

  • Fusion Global (bootstrap profile)
  • Dual-Mode A-LH (fallback profile)

eSIM Versions

Aeris eSIMs are categorized by Version 1.0 and Version 2.0. You can identify which version you are using by referring to the number of zeroes (0) in the middle of the EID.

  • The Version 1.0 eSIMs have 6 zeros Example: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn000000nnnnnnnn
  • The Version 2.0 eSIMs have 5 zeros. Example: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn00000nnnnnnnnn

Bootstrap and Profile Switching

When booted for the first time, the eSIM will first connect using the bootstrap Fusion Global profile.

At a high level, the eSIM then uses built-in intelligence to detect its location and automatically switch, if necessary, to the profile best suited for its location.

At a more detailed level, the eSIM goes through a flow of activities and specific timings as follows.

Version 2.0 eSIMs:

  1. The eSIM, if it has never been used, will attempt to connect to the cellular network using the Fusion Global profile. The eSIM, if it was last used in the United States, will likely attempt to connect to the cellular network using the Dual-Mode A-LH profile.
  2. Let us assume that the eSIM was never used. When used for the first time:
    • If the eSIM is able to connect to a network associated with Fusion Global, then it looks at the MCC (Mobile Country Code) to determine which profile it should use.
      • If the MCC is in a country where Dual-Mode A-LH is primary (USA, Canada, and Mexico), then it switches to the Dual-Mode A-LH profile and connects after some time.
      • If the MCC is in a country where Fusion Global is primary, then it stays on Fusion Global.
    • If the eSIM is not able to connect to a network associated with Fusion Global, it starts a 20-minute timer. If the device is continuously powered for 20 minutes, a profile swap occurs. Otherwise the eSIM keeps a tally of the number of status update events received from the device, which typically occur every 27 seconds. A status update event refers to each time the device queries the eSIM to see if it is still there. After a total of 44 of these events are counted, a profile swap occurs (it switches to the fallback profile, Dual-Mode A-LH).
  3. If the eSIM is able to connect to the Dual-Mode A-LH network, it looks at the PLMN it attached to, and checks whether that PLMN is in the list of PLMNs that are associated with the Dual-Mode A-LH profile.

    Note: The Dual-Mode A-LH profile is associated with a list of Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) identifiers consisting of MCC (Mobile Country Code) and the MNC (Mobile Network Code) pairs that devices are allowed to operate on.

  4. If the PLMN is associated with the Dual-Mode A-LH profile, the device stays on Dual-Mode A-LH and the rest of these steps are skipped.
  5. If the PLMN is not associated with the Dual-Mode A-LH profile:
    • It starts a 3-minute timer. If the device is continuously powered for 3 minutes, a profile swap occurs. Otherwise the eSIM keeps a tally of the number of status update events received from the device, which typically occur every 27 seconds. After a total of 7 of these events are counted, a profile swap occurs (it switches back to Fusion Global).
    • This process starting with step 3 repeats itself twice, after which the device will stay on Dual-Mode A-LH.
  6. After the device connects to the network another 6 times, it will again switch to Fusion Global and the cycle repeats.


If you use the eSIM first in the USA, Canada, or Mexico during your testing or development phase, it will likely select on Dual-Mode A-LH as its active profile. If you then move that eSIM into production in another country, it is subject to the flow of activities and timings described above starting at step 3, except that Dual-Mode A-LH will be the active profile when the eSIM is used for the first time outside of the USA, Canada, or Mexico.

Version 1.0 eSIMs:

Information is coming soon...

eSIM Rate Plans

Your eSIM will be set up with a single umbrella rate plan. Each profile within the umbrella rate plan will have its own individual rate plan. You will be able to see the individual rate plans in AerPort. The billing system will automatically charge the rate of the active profile.

Viewing eSIMs in AerPort

Using AerPort, you work with eSIM devices in the same way that you would any other type of device. You can provision the device, control traffic blocking, view billing, suspend the device, view alerts, view reports, and audit device activity.

On the Dashboard, you can choose to view eSIM or non-eSIM devices using the list box.

eSIM Devices in Use

eSIMs appear in AerPort under the product name Global eSIM.

eSIM Product Name

Identifying eSIM devices using an EID

An eSIM device is identified with a single EID. You need this EID to provision the device.

Provision eSIM

The eSIM contains two profiles, each of which has an ICCID. At any given time, one profile is active and the other is inactive.

You have the option to manage the device at the eSIM level using the EID, while maintaining the ability to manage the active profile using familiar underlying subscription identifiers like ICCID, IMSI, and others.

You will see two entries next to the EID in the AerPort user interface under ICCID, MSISDN, IMSI, Rate Plan, and so on.

Global eSIM and EID

Searching for eSIMs with the EID

Once your eSIM device is provisioned and activated, on the Dashboard, you can search for your eSIM device using the EID. You can enter the full 32-digit ID or the last 5 digits of the EID. You can also search by the ICCID, IMSI, or other identifiers of the individual profiles.

Search Using EID

On the Devices page, you can use Advanced Search to search for the EID or other criteria. You can enter the full 32-digit ID or the last 5 digits of the EID. To search for multiple devices, use a comma-separated list. You can also search by the ICCID, IMSI, or other identifiers of the individual profiles.

Search Using EID

Search Using EID

Viewing the Active Profile

You can see which profile is active using the SIM Information box.

  1. Select the SIMs menu. The Manage SIMs list appears.
  2. Locate the eSIM in the list, and click it.
  3. The SIM Information box appears.
  4. The active profile is identified at the top left of the box. of The EID is displayed, followed by your device name and details, and two tabs: Dual-Mode A-LH and Fusion Global. The active profile is indicated with ACTIVE.

Device Details with Tabs

Traffic Policies for eSIM Devices

Here are the traffic policies available for eSIM devices:

  • Block all
  • Unblock all
  • Block data
  • Block SMS
  • Block voice
  • If a "Block all" traffic policy is applied to an eSIM with Dual-mode A-LH as the active profile, it is still possible for MT-SMS to be delivered to the device.

Static or Dynamic IP Addresses for eSIM Devices

eSIM devices support both dynamic and static IP addressing.

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