AerSight is a product that you can add to your connectivity subscription. It allows you to capture raw device data in your company's Google Cloud Platform account. Using this data, you can view predefined Data Studio reports, create your own Data Studio reports, or directly read the raw data.
AerSight Prerequisites
To use AerSight, you must satisfy the following prerequisites:
- You must have active provisioned and billed IoT devices in use.
- You must have an active Google Cloud Platform account.
- You must have at least 1 subnet in the region which supports the DataFlow and BigQuery dataset. For a list of supported regions, refer to the following links:
- Your GCP project must have cloud NAT enabled, or the subnet should have private Google access enabled.
- You must have an existing or create a new Service Account or User with the following
- Project IAM Admin
- Cloud Functions Admin
- Role Administrator
- Editor
- Technical knowledge to maintain a GCP project.
- Familiarity with the Google Cloud Shell and some experience with common Unix commands, such as wget, ls, chmod, and unzip.
AerSight Onboarding
- Subscribe to AerSight.
- Contact Aeris Sales Engineering to exchange information about your devices and GCP
account. Aeris will request the following information:
- The GCP Project ID.
- The region in which to create the DataFlow job and BigQuery dataset. DataFlow and BigQuery are required to be in the same region.
- The subnet used by the DataFlow job to create virtual machines as needed.
- The BigQuery data retention period (optional). The default is 90 days.
- The DataFlow maximum number of workers. The default is 2.
- Wait for Aeris Sales Engineering to execute the initial provisioning command. Aeris
will then send you an email with a link to a Google Cloud Services location where you will
find a ZIP file. The email will also provide you with a URL which you will use in step 8
below to run scripts in your GCP environment.Note: The remaining steps below require that the user logged in has the following roles: Project IAM Admin, Cloud Functions Admin, Role Administrator, and Editor.
- Download the ZIP file and give it any name of your choice.
- Start GCP. Note: The next set of steps will take 30 minutes.
- Go to the project you have designated to be used with AerSight. The project must adhere to the pre-requisites noted above.
- Select the icon to Activate Cloud Shell.
- At the Cloud Shell prompt, enter the following command, where is the
file you downloaded and named in step 4, and where URL is the address provided by Aeris in
the email.
wget -O "URL" For example: wget -O ""
- Enter the following command to view and then unzip the ZIP file that you downloaded and
named in step 4. Ignore any warning messages that you see.
ls unzip For example: ls unzip
- Repeat the ls command to view the files that were unzipped into this location. You will
see a script file named Do not change any of the contents of the script or zip file.
- Enter the following command to give executable rights to the script. No response is
given by GCP after entering this
chmod u+x
- Now execute the script by entering the following command.
- GCP will ask you to authorize Google Cloud Shell to provide your credentials while running APIs in the script. Click Authorize.
- Wait while the script runs. It could take up to 30 minutes.
Changes to Your GCP Environment
The script makes the following changes in your GCP environment.
- Custom roles are created. The table in the section "Custom Role Definitions" provides a
detailed listing of permissions provided to these roles.
- Aeris service accounts are added to IAM in your project:
- This account is granted the role AERSIGHT_ACP_PROVSIONING_USER.
- This account is granted the role AERSIGHT_ACP_AERSTREAM_USER.
- This account is granted the role AERSIGHT_ACP_PROVSIONING_USER.
- A new service account is added to your project:
- aersight-acp-<aerport-portal-account-Id>-sa@<GCP-Project-Id> This account is granted the roles AERSIGHT_ACP_CUSTOM_USER_ROLE, Dataflow Admin, Dataflow Worker, Service Account User, and Monitoring Editor.
- An AerSight resource provisioning agent is deployed in your project.
- The script will run an API to confirm success or failure of all the provisioning actions in the script. It then automatically emails the logs to Aeris Support so they can assist if any errors occurred.
After the script completes these changes, an automated script is triggered to Aeris to continue the provisioning process by creating the following resources in your GCP project. This step will take up to another 30 minutes.
- Google Cloud Storage buckets
- aersight_acp_<GCP-Project_ID>_staging_bucket
- aersight_acp_<GCP-Project_ID>_warehouse_bucket
- Pub Sub Topic. This is where the data will be published.
- aersight_acp_ipstream-flows_topic
- Pub Sub Subscription
- aersight_acp_ipstream-flows_subscription
- Data Flow
- aersight-acp-ipstream-flows-dataflow
- Big Query
- DataSet - aersight_acp_ds
- Tables
- ipstream_flows
- device
- hostnames
At the end of the provisioning processing, a device snapshot of device data for all non-cancelled devices is published into your project.
Custom Role Definitions
Three roles were created by the provisioning script. The following table lists the permissions defined for each role.
Role Name | Permissions |
Big Query Table Schemas
The Big Query tables created during the provisioning process have the following schemas.
Device Table
Field Name | Type | Mode |
device_id | INTEGER | NULLABLE |
subscription_id | STRING | NULLABLE |
primary_min | INTEGER | NULLABLE |
device_status | STRING | NULLABLE |
carrier_provider | STRING | NULLABLE |
technology | STRING | NULLABLE |
product_name | STRING | NULLABLE |
activation_date | DATE | NULLABLE |
rate_plan_name | STRING | NULLABLE |
pool_name | STRING | NULLABLE |
report_group | INTEGER | NULLABLE |
access_fee | FLOAT | NULLABLE |
custom_field_1 | STRING | NULLABLE |
custom_field_2 | STRING | NULLABLE |
custom_field_3 | STRING | NULLABLE |
custom_field_4 | STRING | NULLABLE |
custom_field_5 | STRING | NULLABLE |
Ipstream_flows Table
Field Name | Type | Mode | Description |
device_id | INTEGER | NULLABLE | Aeris device identifier |
imsi | STRING | NULLABLE | International mobile subscriber identity (for GSM and LTE devices) |
msisdn | STRING | NULLABLE | Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number |
primary_min | STRING | NULLABLE | Primary Mobile Identification Number (for CDMA device) |
meid | STRING | NULLABLE | Mobile Equipment Identifier (for CDMA device) |
technology | STRING | REQUIRED | CDMA, GSM, LTE |
session_id | STRING | NULLABLE | Session identifier of corresponding AAA record |
source_port | FLOAT | NULLABLE | Port used by connection initiator |
session_start_time | TIMESTAMP | NULLABLE | Session start time of corresponding AAA record |
source_ip | STRING | NULLABLE | IP address of the connection initiator |
network_protocol | STRING | NULLABLE | Network protocol used for data exchange |
application_protocol | STRING | NULLABLE | Interpreted application protocol based on network protocol and destination port. "Proprietary" if unable to infer. |
matched_ip | STRING | NULLABLE | Fixed set of values (Source, Destination). If Source: Connection initiated by device; If Destination: Connection initiated by server. |
destination_ip | STRING | NULLABLE | IP address of the connection termination endpoint |
destination_port | FLOAT | NULLABLE | Port of the connection termination endpoint |
destination_host | STRING | NULLABLE | Host name inferred from destination IP |
uplink_data | FLOAT | NULLABLE | Data uploaded by the source (in bytes) |
downlink_data | FLOAT | NULLABLE | Data downloaded on the source (in bytes) |
eventdate | TIMESTAMP | REQUIRED | Partitioned column. granularity at the hour level |
received_time | TIMESTAMP | NULLABLE | Timestamp when the flow was received |
product_name | STRING | NULLABLE | Aeris product name like Global SIM, CDMA and Dual-Mode A-LH. |
Hostnames Table
Field Name | Type | Mode |
ip_address | STRING | REQUIRED |
hostname | STRING | REQUIRED |