Release Notes as of January 19, 2023

Known Issues with New Portal 

  • The following capabilities are missing from the NG AerPort Dashboard > View Usage and Dashboard > View Billing compared to the Quick Links > Analytics > Usage screen in legacy AerPort
    • Export as JSON
    • Save graph as PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF
    • Print graph
  • If an account has legacy products like CDMA and City SIM that are in an activated state, then the total count of Provisioned, Billed, and Suspended devices that appears in the "Manage SIMs" page will differ between Classic AerPort and New Portal. New Portal does not include the legacy products.
  • The SIM Information, Reports tab does not consistently display data, particularly for the Hourly time period. This tab is still in progress.
  • SIM Information, Manage SIMs, and AerAdmin Device Details API do not work if the logged in user email address has a "+" character in it.
  • In Classic AerPort, when a user fails to login more than 10 times then AerPort will lock the user for a period of time. Now, in the New Portal Manage User screen, a button to unlock the user will display for the locked user.
  • SIM Information, Settings sometimes displays the APN field with the full operator identifier of the name instead of the simpler APN Network Identifier.
  • Reports, Manual Reports lists archived reports. Any report older than 5 days is blank. Reports older than 5 days should be automatically removed from the portal.
  • SIM Information, Manage SIMs allows you to see Cancelled SIMs. You will possibly get more than one row. The new portal displays a row for each time the device was cancelled. You will possibly get a row even if the device is currently active. See Viewing a SIM's Cancellation History for more information.
  • Analytics, Network Utilization report does not show correct Month-to-date information for Voice and SMS.
  • SIM Advanced Search is missing the option to search with selected child accounts.


  • There is an issue with opening CSV files if any data items contain a comma. For example, if the account name field contains your company name, and your company name contains a comma, the comma is seen as a separation between fields.
  • AerAdmin appears to allocate dialable MSISDN for all ATT service profiles if PLDN is enabled on the account. It should not do this for data-only service profiles.
  • The first SMS sent to a recently edited AT&T device shows it was sent, but the SMS is not received by the device.
  • Devices > Device Details > Edit Device > Traffic Policy: Block Data, Block Voice, Block All does not work for AT&T if Service Profile Allows Voice, Data and SMS.
  • If the account uses dual mode devices (LTE+CDMA, GSM+CDMA) then the sum total of devices displayed in the Devices In Use widget and the In Use device tab will differ. This is because those devices are combined for the dashboard widget but displayed as separate devices on the In Use device tab.
  • The "Daily Usage" Analytics on Device Details page is not consistently available to users. This refers to the graph icon next to Daily Usage.
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