Order SIMs

If you are an existing Aeris connectivity customer, you can order SIMs by contacting your Aeris account representative. If you do not know your account representative, please send a support request either through the Help menu in AerPort or by sending an email to support@aeris.net.

Aeris does its best to stock SIMs to fulfill orders. Please work with your account representative to provide a forecast of SIMs you will need over time to ensure your SIM orders are fulfilled in a timely matter. The lead time for in-stock orders is typically a few business days. If Aeris does not have the SIM type or quantity in stock, the lead time can be up to 8 weeks.

Aeris Neo customers can order SIMs by selecting Buy SIMs at the bottom of the Aeris website, https://www.aeris.com. This link takes you to https://store.aeris.com/

If you are not a current Aeris customer and are interested in Aeris connectivity services, please refer to Connect with Us to contact Aeris.

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