Access AerPort for the First Time

AerPort is a Connectivity Management Platform from Aeris that enables you to have complete control over your M2M and IoT connectivity solution. AerPort provides the following benefits:

  • Easily track current status of devices (active or inactive) on the Aeris network.
  • Adjust the state of your devices at any time.
  • Monitor your device consumption levels and traffic patterns.
  • View diagnostic tools to troubleshoot problematic devices.
  • Monitor abnormal or unexpected behavior and generates alerts when thresholds are breached.

AerPort Home

If you already have an AerPort account, use your login credentials to sign into the AerPort portal at If you are accessing AerPort for the first time, see the sections below to get started.

Verifying the Aeris Account

Before starting your connectivity service in AerPort, verify the account is configured correctly with access to the connectivity services and rate plans you requested.

To verify the details of your account:
  1. Log in to the AerPort portal.
  2. In the left navigation menu, hover over Account and select Account Details to open the Account Details page.

  3. Verify the following:
    • Products: All products or connectivity services you signed up for are listed in the table.
    • Rate Plans: All rate plans you signed up for are listed in the table.
    • Service Profiles: Ensure at least one service profile is configured for each product type.

      Note: Service profiles determine which services are available to you (e.g., SMS, Data, Voice) and which APN you will use.

    If you find that something is missing, please contact your Aeris account manager.

Admin User Login

When your AerPort account was created, your company provided a list of users needing account access, including at least one administrative user. All listed users were sent an email invitation to access the account.

If you received an invitation, complete the following steps to create your account:
  1. Open the invitation email you received when your AerPort account was created.
  2. In the body of the email, click Accept Invitation. This brings you to the AerPort sign-up screen.
  3. Enter your first and last name.
  4. Enter a password to access your account.
  5. Click Accept, and then Continue. This brings you to the AerPort login screen.
  6. Enter your email address, which is now your user login.
  7. Enter the password you created on the sign-up screen.
  8. Click Log In. This brings you to the dashboard of your AerPort account.

Once you gain access to the account as an administrator, you can invite additional users to the AerPort portal.

To see an example of the email invitation and account sign-up screen, see Your Aeris Invitation, Username, and Password.

Note: AerPort supports Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) but it is not enabled by default. As the administrator, you have the option to enable 2FA for yourself and any or all other users in your account as needed.

Adding Additional AerPort Users

Only admin users can manage users within AerPort.

To add and invite additional users to access the AerPort portal:

  1. Log in to the AerPort portal.
  2. In the left navigation menu, hover over Account and click Manage Users.
  3. Click Invite User at the top-right corner of the screen. This opens the Invite User pop-up.
  4. Enter the new user's email address.
  5. Select whether to enable Two-Factor Authentication.
  6. Select from the following roles:
    • Admin: Unrestricted read/write access to all resources in your account.
    • Technical: Restricted read/write access to the technical resources (e.g. managing and provisioning SIMs) in your account.
    • Accountant: Restricted read/write access to the billing resources and financial reports in your account.
    • Security Analyst: Unrestricted read/write access to the security features in your account.
  7. Click YES. This prompts AerPort to send an invitation email to the provided email address.

Pending Users

At any given time, you can view the status of pending invitations in your account:
  1. Log in to the AerPort portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, hover over Account and click Manage Users.
  3. On the Manage Users page, select the Pending tab. The list of pending users and their status appears.
  4. Optionally delete a pending user by clicking the trashcan icon or resend the invitation by clicking the arrowed-circle icon.
  5. To view the status in report form, click Export, and then select one of the following reports from the drop-down menu:
    • All Users: Active and pending users.
    • Active Users: Users who have access to AerPort.
    • Pending Users: Invited users that still need to complete account setup.
Once the user creates their account in AerPort, their profile becomes available in the Manage Users interface along with other users.

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Editing an AerPort User's Role

To edit a user's role:
  1. Log in to the AerPort portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, hover over Account and click Manage Users.
  3. On the Manage Users page, ensure that the Active tab is selected.
  4. Review the list of users and find the user you want to edit.
  5. Click the pencil icon.
  6. Modify the user as desired.
  7. Click Yes to save the changes.

For more information about managing AerPort users, see Manage Users.

Subscribing to Connectivity Service Status Updates

To receive notifications about changes in your Connectivity Service Status, subscribe to one of the following notification services:
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Webhook

For subscription instructions, see Network Status.

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