Support Ticket Management

You can submit a ticket to Aeris support if you have a request/issue with the portal. This article outlines how to create, view and update tickets.

In this article:

Create a Support Ticket

To create a support ticket:

  1. In the navigation menu, hover over Help and click Create Support Ticket.
  2. This opens a new tab for the Aeris Support ticketing system. My activities is displayed by default. You can select to Submit a Request, or view My requests or Requests I'm CC'd on.

  3. Click Submit a Request.
  4. Select an issue from the drop-down menu. This loads the remainder of the request form.
  5. Populate the form fields with as much detail as possible, to ensure that the support team can fully understand your issue.

    Note: Different form fields appear depending on the selected issue.

  6. Once the form is complete, click Submit to submit the ticket.

View and Update Your Ticket

To view recent activity on a ticket or update a ticket with additional details:

  1. Navigate to the Zendesk support portal. The dashboard is displayed.
  2. Select the ticket to open the ticket details.

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