Account Details

The Account Details page displays your account information, including general information, products, rate plans, and service profiles.

In this page:


The Account Details screen is a read-only page with important information about devices, rate plans, and profiles in your account.

To view the Account Details page:

  1. Log into the Aerport Portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, hover over Account and select Account Details to open the Account Details page.

General Information

The General Information table displays a list of the following properties and their values:

  • Account Status: Status of your account.
  • Billable: Whether the account can be billed.
  • Package: Package purchased for the account.
  • Maximum Allowed Scheduled Reports: Number of reports the account owner can schedule.


The Products table displays a list of all devices in your account. The table includes the following headings:

  • ID: Identification number of the product.
  • Name: Name of the product.
  • Technologies: Type of technology used by the device.

    Note: eSIMs are devices with two profiles and may use two technologies. For an example, see Global eSIM in the screenshot below.

Rate Plans

The Rate Plans table displays a list of rate plans in your account with the following headings:

  • Label: Rate plan label.
  • Name: Rate plan name.
  • Product: Type of device associated with the rate plan.

Service Profiles

The Service Profiles table displays the names and associated devices for each service profile in your account. The table includes the following headings:

  • Name: Name of the service profile.
  • Product: Type of device associated with the profile.

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