Manage API Keys

The API Key Management page enables you to view, create, edit, and delete API keys in your account.

In this article:


The API Key Management page displays your account's API keys and enables you to view and manage them directly in the AerPort Portal. Aeris automatically generates a Master Key when you create an account, which cannot be edited or deleted. The Master API Key is valid for both AerAdmin and AerTraffic.

To access the API Key Management page:

  1. Log into the AerPort Portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, hover over Account.

  3. Select Manage API Keys to open the API Key Management page.

  4. (Optional) Click the plus icon to the left of the key name to view more information about an API Key.

Creating a New API Key

When creating a new API key, please keep in mind the following guidelines.



Expiration Date

The API key will expire at midnight GMT of the selected date.

When the API key expires, it is deleted from your account and no notification is sent.


Select ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive.’

  • An ‘Active’ API Key will automatically switch to ‘Inactive’ upon reaching its expiration date.
  • An ‘Inactive’ API Key will not be valid for the specified API(s).



Use the checkboxes to select the API(s) the new key will be used for: AerAdmin 5, AerTraffic, and AerAdmin 6.

To create a new API key:

  1. Click Create New.

  2. Add the following API Key Info:
    • Expiration Date: Date the API key expires.

      Note: You cannot create an API key without an expiration date.

    • Description: Customizable description of the API key.
    • Status: Whether the API key is Active or Inactive.

  3. Check the Resource Permissions you want the API key to be able to access.

  4. Click Save.

Editing an API Key

To edit an existing API key:

  1. Click Edit to the right of the API key you want to edit.

  2. Edit the API Key Info and Resource Permissions according to your needs.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting an API Key

To delete an API key:

  1. Click Delete to the right of the API key you want to delete.

  2. In the following confirmation window, select OK.

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