- Alert Threshold and Triggers

The Alert Threshold and Triggers section of the Create New Alert window defines the type of monitored activity (Alert type), Minimum and Maximum (threshold criteria), and Time period for the alert.

In this article:


To complete the Threshold & Trigger info section:

  1. Click the Alert type drop-down menu. See Alert Types for information on the alert types supported by the portal.
  2. Enter a Minimum or Maximum value for the threshold parameter .

    For example, to detect if a device exceeds a specific amount of packet data usage, enter a maximum value and leave the minimum value blank.


    • The user is required to enter only one threshold parameter. Both a minimum and maximum value are not required, therefore leaving a threshold blank is valid.
    • If specifying both minimum and maximum values, ensure that the minimum value does not exceed the maximum value.
    • Specifying a minimum threshold of one (1) could generate unnecessary email traffic.
    • Specifying a threshold value of zero (0) will result in an error.
  3. Indicate a Time period:
    • Per Hour: Time period between :00 and :59. The period resets at the beginning of each hour.
    • Per Day: Time period between 00:00 and 23:59 GMT of one calendar day.
    • Month to Date: Time period between the 1st of the month and today.

    Device activity is tracked from the time the alert is created.

    Note: Time periods are based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Alert Types

The following table describes the alert types supported by the portal.

Warning: Actual consumed packet data may exceed the amount specified by the Alerts data blocking threshold. Alerts actions such as blocking depend on the frequency that data usage records are available, therefore it is possible for a device to consume more data than is specified by the Alerts threshold. Some products may take as long as 75 minutes for the usage threshold to be detected, during which time the device may continue to consume data:

  • For Fusion NA, Fusion Global, and Fusion Global HD products, this period is 11 minutes.
  • For Dual-Mode A-LH and Global SIM, this period is 75 minutes.

For more information, see "Alerts-based data blocking" in Alert Limitations.

Alert Type Threshold Type, Threshold Unit, and Time Period Product Support and Limitations


See Warning above.

Threshold Type: Usage
Threshold Unit: KB, MB, or GB
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • All Aeris products are supported.

Note: A device is considered Roaming if it is not currently registered in its home network (determined by the device's OPC).

Threshold Unit: Usage
Threshold Unit: KB, MB, or GB
Time Period: Daily or Monthly
  • Fusion NA, Fusion Global, and Fusion Global HD products are supported.
  • Global SIM is supported, however these alerts may not be accurate due to the operational patterns of roaming partners.
  • Dual-Mode A-LH is not supported.
SMS Threshold Type: Occurrence
Threshold Unit: Count (includes both MO and MT SMS)
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • All Aeris products are supported.
Voice Threshold Type: Usage
Threshold Unit: Minutes (includes both MO and MT Voice)
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • Fusion NA, Fusion Global, Fusion Global HD, Global SIM, and Dual-Mode A-LH products are supported.
Registration Threshold Type: Occurrence
Threshold Unit: Count
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • Fusion Global and Fusion Global HD products are supported.
  • Global SIM is supported, however these alerts may not be accurate due to the operational patterns of roaming partners.
  • Fusion NA and Dual-Mode A-LH products are not supported.
Registration-Roaming Threshold Type: Occurrence
Threshold Unit: Count
Time Period: Houly, Daily, or Monthly
  • Fusion Global and Fusion Global HD products are supported.
  • Global SIM is supported, however these alerts may not be accurate due to the operational patterns of roaming partners.
  • Fusion NA and Dual-Mode A-LH products are not supported.
Registration-Roaming Threshold Type: Duration
Threshold Unit: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Percentage % (absolute)
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • Fusion Global and Fusion Global HD products are supported.
  • Global SIM is supported, however these alerts may not be accurate due to the operational patterns of roaming partners.
  • Fusion NA and Dual-Mode A-LH products are not supported.
Deregistration Threshold Type: Occurrence
Threshold Unit: Count
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • Fusion Global and Fusion Global HD products are supported.
  • Global SIM is supported, however these alerts may not be accurate due to the operational patterns of roaming partners.
  • Fusion NA and Dual-Mode A-LH products are not supported.
Deregistration Threshold Type: Duration
Threshold Unit: Seconds, Minutes, or Hours (absolute)
Time Period: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly
  • Fusion Global and Fusion Global HD products are supported.
  • Global SIM is supported, however these alerts may not be accurate due to the operational patterns of roaming partners.
  • Fusion NA and Dual-Mode A-LH products are not supported.

Note: Although any alert type can be defined for any product through the portal, the functional limitations listed in the table above still apply.

How Alerts are Processed

When you create an alert, it becomes effective immediately. This means that AerPort immediately begins checking devices to detect if they meet the threshold(s) defined in the alert.

On an hourly basis, AerPort records which devices met the threshold, and then begins applying the traffic policy on the individual devices. An email notification is sent to all users defined in the alert recipient list within 30 minutes.

  • If an alert is defined with a Time period of Per Hour, this process repeats hourly. However, once an email notification is sent for a particular device, it is not sent again each hour.
  • If an alert is defined with a Time period of Per Day or Per Month, once the alert has been triggered and an email sent, it is not sent again during that period.
  • Devices that trigger an alert with a traffic policy will have their services blocked individually. Summary emails to report this activity will be sent every 15 minutes until all device blocking is completed.
  • For devices that trigger an alert with no traffic policy, summary emails will be sent every 15 minutes until all devices have been communicated to the email recipients.

Alert Examples

Minimum Threshold Defined

Registration Alert with a minimum count of 1 cellular registration, per hour. An alert will be generated for a device that registers less than one time in one hour. In other words, if the device does not register on the network at least once per hour, the alert will be triggered.

Maximum Threshold Defined

Packet data alert with a maximum threshold of 100 KB, per day. Any Packet data that is transmitted to or from a device during the day will be totaled. If the total usage exceeds 100 KB at any point during the day, the device will trigger this alert.

Minimum and Maximum Threshold Defined

Packet Alert with a minimum threshold of 50 KB, or more than 200 KB per day. An alert will be generated for device(s) that transmit less than 50 KB or more than 200 KB of data in one day. In other words, any device(s) that transmit between 50 and 200 KB of data per day will NOT trigger this alert.

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