Current Alerts

The Current Alerts page records current alerts within your account. This enables you to easily monitor your account for unusual or unwanted behavior.

In this article:


The Current Alerts screen is available in the Aerport Portal under the Alerts menu. The Current Alerts page displays a list of current alerts in your account. Each listed alert includes the following details:

  • Number of Alerts
  • Alerts ID
  • Alerts Type
  • Units (KB, GB, or Count)

To view additional details about involved devices, click on any listed alert:

Navigating the Current Alerts Screen

When you have more than one account, the Current Alerts screen includes an account drop-down menu that enables you to select the account from which you want to view alerts.

To change which account's alerts appear in the Current Alerts screen:

  1. Click the account drop-down menu.

  2. Select the account you want to view. The Current Alerts page automatically updates once you select an account.

To view more information about an alert:

  1. Click the alert name in the Current Alerts table. This opens an alert screen with additional details about the alert.
  2. Review alert details in the alert screen. For more information, see the Alert Page.

While you cannot manage alerts in the Current Alerts screen, you can click the Manage Alerts button in the top-right corner to access the Manage Alerts page. For more information, see the Manage Alerts article.

Working with the Current Alerts Table

The following sections describe how to work with and understand essential aspects of the Current Alerts table:

Column Definitions

The Current Alerts table displays the following headers:

  • Name: Name of the alert.
  • # of Alerts: Number of times the alert has occurred.
  • Alerts ID: Identification number of the alert.
  • Alerts Type: Type of alert (e.g., Total Usage (KB), Total Usage (GB), Total Usage (Count)).
  • Unit: Unit used to measure SIM usage for your alert.

Setting Pagination

The Current Alerts table displays ten devices on each page by default. To change the number of displayed alerts per page:

  1. Click Show at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select your desired number of results per page.

Downloading Alerts

Each listed alert in the Current Alerts table includes a download button, which enables you to download alert information from the Current Alerts page as a .csv file. To download alert information:

  1. Identify the alert you want to download.
  2. Click Download to download the alert information.

Alert Page

To view additional information about each device involved in the alert, click the name of any listed alert. This opens a new page with alert-specific information.

The Alert page includes the following information about each device involved in the alert:

  • MSISDN: Identification number of the SIM.
  • Subscription ID: Identification number of the SIM subscription.
  • Threshold: Preset usage threshold for the SIM.
  • Usage: Amount of information used.

For more information about a single device, click the MSISDN of the device you want to view. This opens a SIM Information page with additional details about the device.

The Alert page includes two navigation buttons at the top-right of the screen:

  • Go to Devices: Opens the Manage SIMs page so you can learn more about each sim involved in the alert. For more information about the Manage SIMs page, see Manage SIMs.
  • Create Report: Opens the Reports Build page where you can build a report about your account activity. For more information about creating reports, see Build Tab.

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