Access AerPort and Review Key Features

AerPort offers a full range of features for managing your IoT implementation.

In this article:

Accessing AerPort / Login

After you have responded to your Aeris invitation and established your account, you may want to bookmark the AerPort URL in your browser.

  1. To access AerPort, open your browser and enter the following URL:

  2. Login with your email address and password. If you do not have a login, please contact your company's administrator for assistance. See Your Aeris Invitation for information.
  3. If Two-Factor Authentication is enabled for your account, follow the prompts on the screen and set up Google Auth or FreeOTP on your mobile device. See Two-Factor Authentication for step-by-step instructions.
  4. After you login successfully, the Dashboard appears. See Your Dashboard for information.

SIM Activation and Management

AerPort gives you full visibility into your SIMs and devices and their activities. You can:

  • Activate SIMs onto the Aeris network, then activate billing, suspend, or cancel devices.
  • Manage SIMs one at a time or in bulk batches of up to 10,000.
  • Block and unblock traffic to and from your SIMs.
  • Name your device or add other custom attributes to your SIM's profile.
  • Modify rate plans or service profiles.

Diagnostic Tools

AerPort's diagnostic tools allow you to troubleshoot and diagnose any SIMs that might have issues. You can:

  • Clear the registration to force a reset.
  • Find nearby SIMs to obtain the last known location of your SIM, as well as the number of SIMs in the same cell sector within the last 24 hours. This helps identify if the problem is network related or at the SIM level.
  • Send an SMS to your SIM and determine whether it was successfully delivered or not.
  • Ping your SIM to determine whether or not it is reachable over the Aeris network.
  • See a report of recent traffic to and from your SIM.

Reporting and Analytics

AerPort gives you full reporting capabilities to effectively monitor your Aeris implementation. You can:

  • Run reports based on custom criteria to immediately access data.
  • Create templates to receive reports at a defined interval.
  • Monitor your costs by viewing the total and average billing charges over a period of time.
  • Retrieve account-level information such as traffic cost summary or an overall summary of devices in your account.
  • Gather detailed device information such as traffic usage or status changes.
  • Schedule custom reports for email delivery once a day, once a week, or once a month.

Alerts Management

AerPort optionally provides notification alerts based on different types of events. You can:

  • Create and manage custom alerts to monitor the activity of individual devices or a group of devices.
  • Define thresholds for certain device behavior and become notified if the device's activity corresponds to the defined behavior.
  • Set alerts to monitor SMS, Voice, or Packet data usage, or to be notified of Registration and De-registration events.
  • Receive email notifications when any of your devices trigger an alert.
  • Automatically apply a defined traffic policy as soon as device reaches the defined threshold/trigger.

Customer Support

Using your login to Aeris Support with Zendesk, you can:

  • View and manage support tickets that you, or your organization have recently opened or closed.
  • Open a support ticket with customer support to report an issue or request assistance.
  • Correspond directly with a customer support member by adding comments to open support tickets.

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